In the harsh expanses of the Wild West, a cowboy-wizard embarks on a perilous quest for redemption and power. Haunted by a curse, he must collect bounties to bolster his magical prowess while seeking vengeance and liberation from his malevolent enchantment. As he navigates the unforgiving terrain, driven by an unyielding determination to break free from the shackles of his curse and reclaim his favorite saloon, he faces daunting challenges and confronts formidable foes. Amidst the chaos of the frontier, the cowboy-wizard's journey becomes a battle for survival and self-discovery, where every encounter brings him closer to either salvation or eternal damnation.

These are the controls for the game: 

a - move left

d - move right

space - jump

left click - shoot

right click - special attack (consumes gray bar).

q - drains health and adds to mana (gray bar).

e - drains mana and adds to health (red bar).

This was to be our Boss Rush Game Jam 2024 game where our theme was "exchange".  The "exchange" in our game is that you can trade your health for more mana and the inverse as well. Credits to Ab McCullough - Player and Boss Script, Micah Gray - Map Design, Caleb Horn - Textures and Animations, Kayleah Daniels - Player Script, Jeremiah Flowers - Sound and Music, and special thanks to RJay Pickering - Assistant and Supervisor. 

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorCerulean Team
GenreFighting, Adventure
Made withGodot
Tags2D, Boss battle, Godot, Magic, Pixel Art, Singleplayer, Western, Wild West


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(1 edit) (+1)

Wheres da music

(2 edits) (+1)

I highly recommend using a computer with a decent amount of memory or you might crash.

This is my new favorite game 

Great Game